Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Re: OpenCV on 6.9 can't open camera

On 8/10/21 1:14 AM, Kevin Lo wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 09, 2021 at 11:56:36AM -0600, Jeff Ross wrote:
>> Hi,
>> OpenCV (installed from the package) doesn't seem to be able to open the
>> camera. The camera (in this case for testing a Logitech C910) can be
>> accessed no problem with ffplay, fswebcam and video(1).?? I also opened the
>> kern sysctls for both audio and video and chowned /dev/video to my user.
>> I'd appreciate anyone's thoughts on fixing this!
> Hi, I encountered the same problem. Just committed a fix:
> https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-ports-cvs&m=162857744213080&w=2
>> Jeff Ross
> Kevin
Thanks Kevin!  I'm building the new 4.5.2 version now.


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