Thursday, August 12, 2021

Re: OpenSMTPD + rspamd to sign mail.

> On 8/12/21 5:09 AM, wrote:
>> Hello
>> After:
>> # pkg_add redis rspamd opensmtpd-filter-rspamd successfully
>> i got:
>> # rcctl start rspamd
>> rspamd(failed)
>> then I did:
>> # rspamd -d
>> 2021-08-12 09:23:41 #0(main) <f417f0>; main; detect_priv: cannot run
>> rspamd workers as root user, please add -u and -g options to select a
>> proper unprivilleged user or specify --insecure flag
>> How to interpret it please?
>> I did # chown R spamd:_rspamd /etc/mail/dkim but it fails, then i did
>> # chown -R root:_spamd /etc/mail/dkim and it worked; anyway i suppose
>> i
>> should do rspamd:_rspamd to change -u and -g
>> thanks for your attention.
> What is the contents of your /etc/rc.d/rspamd file? It should include
> lines like:
>    daemon="/usr/local/bin/rspamd"
>    daemon_flags="-u _rspamd -g _rspamd"

# $OpenBSD: rspamd.rc,v 1.4 2019/10/29 22:50:14 sthen Exp $

daemon_flags="-u _rspamd -g _rspamd"

. /etc/rc.d/rc.subr

pexp="rspamd: main process.*"

rc_pre() {
install -d /var/run/rspamd

rc_cmd $1

> Also, did you remember to enable the service with "rcctl enable rspamd"

Yes, i did it:

rcctl enable redis
rcctl enable rspamd

rcctl start redis
rcctl start rspamd

Thanks to respond.

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