Monday, August 09, 2021

Re: ssh authlog: Failed none for invalid user

On Mon, 9 Aug 2021 14:52:40 -0700, Jordan Geoghegan
<> wrote:

> Hello,
> I was hoping somebody could set me straight here. On one of my
> machines I have a number of entries in my /var/log/authlog file that
> look like this:
>     Failed none for invalid user admin from port 51796
> The machine has been being hammered with SSH bruteforce attempts and
> I noticed that "Failed none" entry popping up frequently.
> What exactly does "Failed none" mean here in this in this context?
> Any insight would be greatly appreciated as my Google-fu has failed
> me in my search for an answer.

I don't have any experience with ssh's code but after a quick grep, it
seems to come from

I guess the "none" is the auth method selected by the client. Someone
with more knowledge on the ssh protocol can surely give you a more
detailed answer.


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