Tuesday, October 05, 2021

Re: sony vaio laptop - apm adapter state

hi misc.

just to followup on my Vaio: (been a week, no cigars)

1. I was hoping to update the bios, but Sony have dropped all support for this old laptop, and have removed all drivers and bios downloads from their websites.

2. I upgraded to a latest snapshot and experienced same behaviour.

3. I considered trying an older release eg 5.9 or 6.3 but wasn't sure it would help.

It's a small issue, and will not hinder OpenBSD usage on this device, so it can remain an unsolved, but minor mystery.

thanks anyways.

‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐

On Tuesday, September 28th, 2021 at 8:08 PM, <sub@skolma.com> wrote:

> Hi Misc,
> A fresh install of 6.9+syspatch on a 2012-ish Sony Vaio Laptop (VPCS11FG)
> only physical change pre-install was swapping the 320 hdd with 250 ssd.
> It's a vanila install, with 'apmd' enabled + flag '-A' for adaptive/auto cpu-freq.
> All the other laptop things seem to be working. eg; wifi, suspend.
> (well the screen brightness controls are not mapped but need to research that)
> APM itself seems to be doing its thing, however...the output of 'apm' A/C adapter state: is not representive of the physical connection .. and will only show the state that was booted.
> Removing the A/C does not change state.. (but battery % does correctly come down over time).
> Restarting APMD does not change state.
> if rebooted on battery only, apm state = 'not connected'
> but when power is re-connected, and battery commences charge, yet the state remains "not connected" - a bit weird.
> Being an older laptop, there is a physical led that illuminates correctly when the A/C is connected.
> Checking in debug mode "# apmd -d" yields an ioctl error. (below)
> In summary, the plug state is not being realised by apmd.
> i cant see any events in /var/log/messages, or ../daemon log
> below are outputs of
> uname -a
> sysctl hw
> apm
> apm -d
> appreciate any feeback or guidance.
> thanks in advance.
> .............
> vaio$ uname -a
> OpenBSD vaio.local 6.9 GENERIC.MP#4 amd64
> vaio$ sysctl hw
> hw.machine=amd64
> hw.model=Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU M 330 @ 2.13GHz
> hw.ncpu=4
> hw.byteorder=1234
> hw.pagesize=4096
> hw.disknames=sd0:8e9a4a21ca42676c,cd0:
> hw.diskcount=2
> hw.sensors.cpu0.temp0=46.00 degC
> hw.sensors.acpibat0.volt0=10.80 VDC (voltage)
> hw.sensors.acpibat0.volt1=3.81 VDC (current voltage)
> hw.sensors.acpibat0.power0=14.95 W (rate)
> hw.sensors.acpibat0.watthour0=42.51 Wh (last full capacity)
> hw.sensors.acpibat0.watthour1=0.40 Wh (warning capacity)
> hw.sensors.acpibat0.watthour2=0.38 Wh (low capacity)
> hw.sensors.acpibat0.watthour3=36.90 Wh (remaining capacity), OK
> hw.sensors.acpibat0.watthour4=57.24 Wh (design capacity)
> hw.sensors.acpibat0.raw0=2 (battery charging), OK
> hw.sensors.acpiac0.indicator0=Off (power supply)
> hw.sensors.acpibtn1.indicator0=On (lid open)
> hw.sensors.acpitz0.temp0=47.00 degC (zone temperature)
> hw.sensors.acpidock0.indicator0=Off (not docked), UNKNOWN
> hw.sensors.itherm0.temp1=47.00 degC (Core 1)
> hw.sensors.itherm0.temp4=49.00 degC (CPU/GPU Max temp)
> hw.sensors.itherm0.temp9=49.00 degC (GPU/Memory controller abs.)
> hw.sensors.itherm0.temp10=59.00 degC (PCH abs.)
> hw.sensors.itherm0.power0=8.00 W (CPU power consumption)
> hw.cpuspeed=933
> hw.setperf=0
> hw.vendor=Sony Corporation
> hw.product=VPCS113FG
> hw.version=C1043B81
> hw.serialno=<<MYSECRET>>
> hw.uuid=407add24-c1dd-de11-<<MYSECRET>>
> hw.physmem=3932688384
> hw.usermem=3919343616
> hw.ncpufound=4
> hw.allowpowerdown=1
> hw.perfpolicy=auto
> hw.smt=0
> hw.ncpuonline=2
> vaio$ apm
> Battery state: high, 86% remaining, 147 minutes life estimate
> A/C adapter state: not connected
> Performance adjustment mode: manual (933 MHz)
> vaio$ doas apmd -d
> battery status: high. external power status: not connected. estimated battery life 87% (149 minutes)
> can't disable driver messages, error: Inappropriate ioctl for device
> apmevent 0000 index 0
> apmevent 0006 index 53
> apmevent 0006 index 54
> apmevent 0006 index 55
> apmevent 0006 index 56
> apmevent 0006 index 57
> apmevent 0006 index 58
> ....
> ....
> thanks for looking
> -SUB

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