Tuesday, February 01, 2022

Re: apu2e4 intermittent network freeze

Mihai Popescu [mihscu@gmail.com] wrote:
> > Hrvoje Popovski wrote:
> > It would be great that em(4) have multiqueue support, that box with veb(4) and >"parallel forwarding" diff on tech@ would kick ass :)
> I've seen many hardware projects like this, where they say it is open
> design and for open source. Try to find and arm board with minimum 2
> interfaces ... it's like router and open source are not a common thing
> in the wild.
> Just curious, when a hardware designer or some project learder starts
> something, isn't there any talk with users and software developers?

If you want you can talk with Pascal Dornier who makes the APU boards.

He responds to email and to the PC Engines forums.

He's open to discuss chocies. The newest APU variant is coming with a
2.5Gbps Intel chip since the 1Gbps part is unavailable. The igc driver
for this chip already has multiqueue support. If someone did multiqueue
on the em driver, that would complete the circle.


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