Tuesday, February 01, 2022

Re: [new] sysutils/git-sync a tool to sync git repositories

Aaron Bieber <aaron@bolddaemon.com> writes:

> Hi,
> Here is a pretty simple port (it's just a bash script). I have been
> using this for quite a while. Over the years I have never had an issue
> with sync conflicts or the like.
> Information for inst:git-sync-20220127
> Comment:
> safe, simple git synchronization
> Description:
> Aautomaticlly synchronize git repositories.
> Maintainer: The OpenBSD ports mailing-list <ports@openbsd.org>

Maintainer: Aaron Bieber <abieber@openbsd.org>

Woops :D - had an old version in the paste buffer.

> WWW: https://github.com/simonthum/git-sync
> OK?
> Cheers,
> Aaron
> [2. application/octet-stream; git-sync.tgz]...

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