Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Re: spamd on VirtualBox vm - rdr-to rules not working as expected


> My solution was this: Set up and OpenBSD box doing spamd plus any content filtering
> during receipt to a world-facing SMTP server on the same box. Make that box the
> publicly visible MX for the relevant domains, but set up the smtpd, postfix or exim
> (whatever you fancy) configuration to forward to the mail server the domain's users
> will be using.
> I vaguely rememeber possibly writing about the setup in some detail in a blog
> post, but I forget which one. If I haven't, it's possible I should write that up.

I have a recollection of reading something along those lines in your blog some years
ago as well, and I suspect that latent memory is what gave me the idea. Perhaps
when I have some time I'll do some more searching for that one.


P.S. I should also say thanks for your writings. As someone who doesn't do this
kind of thing as a regular profession, I've found your articles both
entertaining and highly informative over the years.

Alex Johnson

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