Monday, November 28, 2022

Re: OpenBSD File systems , on Flash / SSD CPE (in sites with uncontrolled power (CPE customer sites)

We had a similar challenge. My advice would be to leave all the filesystems as is - and add the 'sync' flag.

It slows down disk access - but makes the filesystem resilient to power outages. See sync option -

On Tuesday, 29 November 2022 at 09:03:28 am AWST, Yoshihiro Kawamata <> wrote:


In the case of CPE, I do not think that programs will be added or
removed after the start of operation, so I think that the following
partition can be mounted as read-only to reduce the impact of power

/usr/local (with wxallowed)

For the rest, you can just mount them with mfs in conjunction with
persistent storage.

Yoshihiro Kawamata

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