Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Re: Update prometheus to 2.37.4

On 2022/11/29 14:59, Claudio Jeker wrote:
> This brings prometheus up to the latest LTS release.
> Changes since then:
> 2.37.2:
> [BUGFIX] TSDB: Fix 'invalid magic number 0' error on Prometheus startup.
> [BUGFIX] Agent: Fix validation of flag options and prevent WAL from
> growing more than desired.
> 2.37.3:
> [BUGFIX] Update our regexp library to fix upstream CVE-2022-41715.
> [BUGFIX] TSDB: Turn off isolation for Head compaction to fix a memory leak.
> 2.37.4:
> [SECURITY] Fix basic authentication bypass vulnerability (CVE-2022-46146).
> Seems to work so far for my test setup. What is not working is the
> version / build info. My assumption is that the -X ldflags do not work
> with vendored builds. Maybe some golang expert has an idea.

Not sure what's up there, it is setting the correct command line flags
(that's handled by promu):

go build -o prometheus -ldflags -X github.com/prometheus/common/version.Version=2.37.4 -X github.com/prometheus/common/version.Revision=non-git -X github.com/prometheus/common/version.Branch=non-git -X github.com/prometheus/common/version.BuildUser=OpenBSD -X github.com/prometheus/common/version.BuildDate=20221129-14:09:55 -extldflags '-static' -v -a -tags netgo,builtinassets github.com/prometheus/prometheus/cmd/prometheus

Still, that is not new, so no need to let it hold up the update - OK.

I suppose they will need to release new versions of snmp_exporter,
node_exporter, blackbox_exporter etc because of the pinning in go.mod
and go.sum.

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