Sunday, January 01, 2023

Re: Some NFS clients won't mount

Theo helped solve my main concern. In my mind, I was kinda comparing
NFS and HTTP: no one requires a browser (which is essentially a
HTTPclient) to be run as root, so why require a NFS client to be run
this way? But the point is that we have securely written HTTP servers,
so we don't need to be so strict when it comes to who talks to these
servers. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said of NFS servers.

Thank you guys for the help and for making things clearer for me.


Em dom., 1 de jan. de 2023 às 06:39, Theo de Raadt
<> escreveu:
> <> wrote:
> > I did some tests and I'm now pretty sure the problem revolves around
> > the point naddy made: Kodi and VLC try to mount my NFS share through a
> > non-privileged port. As both Kodi and VLC use the same NFS client
> > library (libnfs), I tried to find out a bit more about how it works.
> > According to its readme, libnfs uses standard NFS ports when run as
> > root and non-privileged ports when run non-root. Here is the relevant
> > part of the readme file: "When running as root, libnfs tries to
> > allocate a system port for its connection to the NFS server. When
> > running as non-root it will use a normal ephemeral port". I find it
> > strange that a client library should be run as root in order to use a
> > privileged port. My (very poor, I confess) understanding was that only
> > server processes should be run as root in order to use privileged
> > ports. Anyway, as things stand I can only mount my OpenBSD NFS shares
> > if the client is run as root, since the usual way to circumvent this
> > problem on the server side (set the insecure flag on exports) is not
> > available on OpenBSD and, I hope, won't ever be. As I don't have root
> > access to my Fire Stick TV, there is no way to mount my OpenBSD NFS
> > shares on it. As I'm no expert on security though, I'd like an opinion
> > from you guys regarding this: is it reasonable to require an NFS
> > client to be run as root?
> Yes, it is very reasonable, because after five decades noone has written
> a bug-free NFS server, so this mechanism limiting who can talk to it
> makes sense.
> More general comment on this matter: The use of reserved ports for
> numerous protocols will continue to make sense FOREVER, no matter what
> the naysayers say, because there are protocols with insufficient
> alternative authentication methods or services you don't want generic
> users to startup on a shared system and behave as the cannonical
> offering of that service from such a shared system machine. If anyone
> things we are wrong, go to IETF and convince then to move http and https
> to non-reserved well-known ports *by default*. Anyone who tries this
> will get nowhere there, and will get nowhere here either... practical
> matters force this.
> Sorry.

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