On Mon, Apr 10, 2023 at 08:30:03AM +0200, Rafael Sadowski wrote:
> Hi ports hackers,
> here are some new Qt6 modules. OK to import?
All build/package with complete WANTLIB, Makefiles look good.
I can't `cd $(make show=WRKSRC)' due to o=0 permissions.
Do we need qt(6?)-wide FIX_EXTRACT_PERMISSIONS=Yes?
All but qtgrpc need update-plist to remove common directories.
Your tarball contains CVS/ directories.
> - x11/qt6/qtgrpc:
> The Qt GRPC and Qt Protobuf modules together allow you to define data and
> messages in proto files, and then use the code generators, which generate code
> allowing accessors for fields and gRPC services in the Qt framework. Such code
> allows users to communicate with the server by sending calls or stream
> messages.
> - x11/qt6/qthttpserver:
> Qt HTTP Server supports building HTTP server functionality into an application.
> Common use cases are exposing the application's functionality through REST
> APIs, or making devices in a trusted environment configurable also via HTTP.
> The limitations are described in Limitations & Security.
> - x11/qt6/qtquick3dphysics:
> Qt Quick 3D Physics provides a high-level API for physics simulation. It
> supports simulating interactive rigid bodies as well as static meshes and
> non-colliding bodies used for detecting overlaps. Every simulated body can have
> its own physical properties like mass, density and friction.
I see you define PX_OPENBSD in various places, but also define PX_LINUX, why?
This port uses syscall(2), i.e. `syscall(getthrid)', which sohuld be direct.
What's the story with s/NULL/0/ in the patches?
> - x11/qt6/qtquickeffectmaker:
> Qt Quick Effect Maker is a tool for creating shader effects for Qt Quick with
> high productivity and performance.
> Cheers, Rafael
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