Thursday, November 30, 2023

Re: pf queues

On 11/29/23 6:47 PM, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2023-11-29, Daniel Ouellet <> wrote:
>>> yes, all this can be make without hierarchy, only with priorities(because hierarchy it's priorities), but who and why decided that eight would be enough? the one who created cbq- he created it for practical tasks. but this "hateful eight" and this "flat-earth"- i don't understand what use they are, they can't even solve such the simplified task :\
>>> so what am i missing?
>> man pf.conf
>> Look for set tos. Just a few lines below set prio in the man age,
>> You can have more then 8 if you need/have to.
> Only useful if devices upstream of the PF router know their available
> bandwidth and can do some QoS themselves.

Same can be said for CoS as well. You can only control what's going out
of your own network. After that as soon as it reach your ISP or what
not, you have no clue if they reset everything or not.

At a minimum ToS can cross routers, CoS not so much unless it is build
for it.

Either way, your QoS will kick in when bandwidth is starving, so if you
don't know that, what's the point...

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