Friday, December 29, 2023

Re: Firefox, Chrome, Libreoffice bogus syscall on -current

On 2023-12-29, Ax0n <> wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 29, 2023, 11:21 Theo de Raadt <> wrote:
>> Then your machine is not -current, not by a long shot.
>> We moved to on Dec 12.
>> At least two rounds of new packages have shown up since then.
>> I do believe there are circumstances where pkg_add fails to update
>> library packages.
> It turns out there was a list of 100 some packages that couldn't be
> upgraded with pkg_add -u and I just wasn't reading it, as the heart of the
> message scrolled way off the screen.
> I programmatically pkg_delete'd those and those which relied upon them, and
> re-installed only what I really needed and all is well in the world once
> again.

Pity, without the deletes a transcript of a run of pkg_add -u -vvvvv
might have shown why the packages didn't get updated. They should have,
and in most cases they do.

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