Friday, December 29, 2023

Re: NEW: lang/dialect

On Wed Dec 27, 2023 at 07:32:30PM +0000, Klemens Nanni wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 27, 2023 at 04:57:46PM +0100, Rafael Sadowski wrote:
> > Some suggestions from portcheck (I'm neither the GNOME nor the py guy to rate it).
> >
> > missing RUN_DEPENDS+=x11/gtk+4,-guic
> > missing RUN_DEPENDS+=devel/desktop-file-utils
> > GLib2 XML schemas found without devel/dconf in MODULES
> > Python module without compiled version, consider using ${MODPY_BIN} ${MODPY_LIBDIR}/ share/dialect/dialect/
> > [...]
> All done, thanks.
> CATEGORIES in *DEPS also updated.
> Since the others moved, dialect is now 'textproc x11' alongside, e.g.
> the goldendict dictionary and not mostly programming languages in lang/.
> Feedback? OK?

Perfect, nice app especially for a language fool like me! OK rsadowski

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