Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Re: (changed subject) Re: net/i2pd: FD talk and limits and ISP routers too weak maybe

beecdaddict@danwin1210.de wrote:

> I know system shares all resources including FDs
> as far as I know there's what kernel/OS needs and is using and the rest of
> users including but not limited to staff and daemon users/programs like i2pd
> all I was wondering is the limit or amount of FDs and other resources the rest
> of users of daemon can use
> in my head is a total amount which apparently is unknown (I have been told
> why, but how can anyone work with that? it's like relying on someone mentally
> unstable) which is then devided, kernel/OS gets all that it needs, users and
> daemons get the rest which IS DIVIDED (in my head) until there is no more to
> divide/give away/share
> am I close?
> okay maybe not make all available resources to 1 program is not how it works
> but why not if that's the only programs that's running?
> I do not understand if it's even possible to do what I'm asking or
> questioning, I am not a OS dev because of reasons, but I like discussing such
> because I like OS-dev
> and just because what I ask isn't how it works doesn't mean it's bad? it could
> mean

You've been provided with all the source code.

Where is your attempt to change things?

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