Tuesday, January 02, 2024

Re: How to access Xauthority for VNC Server

On 2024-01-02, Adam Retter <adam.retter@googlemail.com> wrote:
> XAUTHORITY=/etc/X11/xenodm/authdir/authfiles/A:0-r4dlnM x0vncserver
> -display :0 -PasswordFile ~/.vnc/passwd
> It is not clear to me how I can set this up so that x0vncserver can
> access the correctly named auth file each time the machine restarts,
> and also under which account it would be considered best practice to
> run x0vncserver... Should I run it under my user account, the `_x11`
> account, or an account created just for that purpose?
> Ideally the VNC Server would start during system startup also.

It won't help for system startup, but you can add the x0vncserver
command (backgrounded with &) from .xsession to run after login.
This would run as your uid and with X environment variables intact so
no faffing with XAUTHORITY needed.

(I would recommend listening to localhost only and connecting via ssh
port-forwarding; for unix VNC clients "-via $hostname localhost" runs
the ssh command for you).

Please keep replies on the mailing list.

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