Tuesday, January 02, 2024

Re: Run VM with 16G or more?

> On 2. Jan 2024, at 08:58, Janne Johansson <icepic.dz@gmail.com> wrote:
> Den mån 1 jan. 2024 kl 21:44 skrev Kirill A. Korinsky <kirill@korins.ky>:
>> How can I run a VM with more than 16G of memory?
>> A naive approach fails with error:
>>> vmctl: start vm command failed: Cannot allocate memory
>> Yes, the host machine has that memory and much more.
> Check datasize in ulimits as set by the shell and login.conf for the
> user that the VM runs as.

Confirmed that it is:

island$ grep '^vmd:' -A 2 /etc/login.conf


wbr, Kirill

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