Sunday, March 31, 2024

Re: Security questions: Login spoofing, X11 keylogging, and sandboxed apps

On Sunday, March 31, 2024, Jose Maldonado <> wrote:
El Sun, 31 Mar 2024 01:10:15 +0000
Dan <> escribió:
> On Wednesday, March 27, 2024, Dan <> wrote:

Hi @list!

Lots of discussion and useless talk when the solution is in your hands

1.- Are you worried about the fact that apps on X11 may suffer

Emphasis on "may".
input-spoofing? Great, start writing all the code necessary to prevent
that from happening and help us improve the security of OpenBSD and any
other OS that uses X11.

There's already rootless X on OpenBSD, it may prevent that? The thing is, I don't know. So I asked. And there's already efforts to replace X11 with Wayland, and already efforts to port Wayland to OpenBSD.

Coming here and saying that we are not attentive to security and that

Where did I say that? False accusation.
is why we "HAVE" to do something, is utter

Where did I say anybody has to do anything? False accusation.
idiocy. Start doing
something yourself, if you want to collaborate beyond a stupid speech.

"Speech"? These are important questions.

2.- Do you want a mechanism that prevents logins being stolen? Same

Why should I want something to be added when it might already exist and I'm missing it? Again, I asked.
story, start writing kid, crying at the list doesn't help.

Where did I "cry" or whine about OpenBSD? False accusation. Quite the contrary, I praised OpenBSD at various times, and I wouldn't have come here in the first place if I wouldn't have had appreciation for OpenBSD.

3.- Do you want more applications to have pledge/unveil to improve

Which "more" applications? I do not know whether this:
Is the exhaustive list of all third-party apps that are sandboxed with pledge/unveil. I asked whether people knew of other programs or whether it's possible to list other programs beyond that. It seems that you expect me to assume that these links list all sandboxed programs exhaustively, but I do not assume, I ask.
security? Same story...start writing the code necessary for it and stop

Where did I "cry" or whine about OpenBSD? False accusation.

Nobody is here to serve your designs or needs.

Which ones? I didn't know I had any.
Want something? Write it
down, it contributes to the project more than

What if it's already written down?
tantrums and tears.

Which ones?

My last and unique message in this thread: Don´t feed the fucking

In case you're referring to me feeding trolls rather than being the troll: Peter N. M. Hansteen said he blocked me after merely my second message in this thread. Because of his reputation, I lost sense of whether I'm perceived as a troll here.

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