Thus said Anon Loli on Thu, 27 Jun 2024 04:12:57 -0000:
> No kidding? The 1st few people made it sound like it's going to be
> relatively easy :(
I don't think anyone said it was going to be easy, only that your
primary focus should be simply to get a good copy of the raw unencrypted
partition while it was still available using simple techniques as
quickly as possible.
If you have obtained it, your next goal should be to figure out now what
to do with it. As I understand it, you wrote 74MB of garbage at the
front of that partition. This will have undoubtedly destroyed filesystem
metadata and some other data. Can the filesystem be "recreated" in the
first 74MB as just empty filesystem space while leaving the rest of the
existing data and filesystem in tact? I don't know the answer to that.
Maybe there is someone with more FFS experience that does. Presumably
you know the exact size of the partition and so could at least recreate
an empty filesystem using newfs with the same parameters. Could it
possible to then stich in or reattach chunks of data into this from your
copy? Again, I don't know. Who does?
Any work you do at recovery should be done on yet another copy of the
same data so that you can keep one "master" copy around just in case.
Some tools for recovering files can be found in packages like sleuthkit
and testdisk. There may be others of which I'm unaware.
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