Saturday, June 29, 2024

Re: accidentally overwritten wrong drive with DD, please help

Anon Loli said on Fri, 28 Jun 2024 21:43:00 +0000

>I have autism, please be patient ._.

I know little about autism. Is one symptom aversion to
revisiting/rethinking policy decisions in the face of new situations
where those policy decisions cause you trouble?

Policy decisions are a necessary part of life. Nobody wants to do a
cost/benefit analysis before performing a task they've done 1000 times
before. But once in a while policies produce problems and should either
be changed or temporarily, for this one situation, discarded. In my
opinion you're in just such a situation now. My suggestion is you pick a
role model without autism, and pretend to be him while making decisions
in this circumstance.

Among my other professions I'm a technical writer, and the #1
requirement for tech writing is elimination of all ambiguity. If I were
in your shoes, I'd make a block diagram of your exact situation.
Inkscape is a great tool for block diagrams. The block diagram, plus
some narrative text explaining and describing the situation, in the
exact terms as printed on the diagram, goes a long way toward ambiguity


Steve Litt

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