Sunday, June 30, 2024

Re: Fwd: "native TeX Live" installation on OpenBSD

On Sun, Jun 30, 2024 at 07:21:33PM +0000, Roderick wrote:
> What would be interesting, is to have a package with the commands and
> a minimal texmf-dist., with a working tlmgr. Then I would not need to
> compile when upgrading.

On the difference between TeX provided by operating systems and
"native" TeX Live, please read this page:

To my knowledge, the only flavor of Linux that provides an operative
tlmgr is VoidLinux.

The way to have an operative tlmgr on OpenBSD is to install a native
TeX Live over the internet with custom binaries as described here:

This is what I provide. That said, in most of the cases, installing
texlive from ports is perfectly fine in my opinion, unless installing
new packages or updating existing ones throughout the year is needed
for some reason.

In my particular case, I can't do without this because I write
packages that often use the latest LaTeX kernel features. As I have
ventured to compile OpenBSD binaries for my own use, I thought it
might be a good idea to make them available for others.

> After I compile, I get tlmgr, but it does not work, something with
> paths. I do not care of it, because I only need tex, mf and other
> commands. I built my texmf more
> or less by hand and that is done once.
> texlive-bomb as package is unwanted, because takes time when upgrading
> the system and applying pkg_add -u, and when installing packages that
> has texlive as
> dependence.
> Rod.
> Am Sa., 29. Juni 2024 um 23:44 Uhr schrieb Karsten Pedersen <>:
> >
> > > I am really not interested of constantly updating TeX Live over the year,
> > > not at all. I have my texmf directory than rarely change, after updating
> > > OpenBSD I recompile the commands.
> >
> > I don't particularly care about updating it constantly either, but I do want
> > to isolate it from the rest of my system so it doesn't clutter it up with a
> > load of random stuff. For that I use a personal project called pkg_bundle
> > [1].
> >
> > It creates standalone and "relocatable" package installs of many large bits
> > of OpenBSD software.
> >
> > $ pkg_bundle texlive_texmf-full
> > # cp -R texlive_texmf-full /opt/texlive
> > $ /opt/texlive/bin/pdflatex path/to/file.tex
> >
> > There is a lot to LaTeX so likely there is a lot missing. I tend to only need
> > to expose pdflatex for much of my uses.
> >
> > [1]
> >

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