Saturday, June 29, 2024

Strange behaviour of X11 and firefox

Long ago I wanted to run firefox on OpenBSD on an OpenBSD xterm
displayed on an X server
running on FreeBSD. I expected, of course, a firefox running on
OpenBSD displayed on my
FreeBSD X server. What else could I have expected? To my surprise, it
run the firefox installed
on FreeBSD.

I found it annoying, it is not what I wanted, not what I expected, at
least not without warning and
asking me before. I would have wanted that, I would have issued the
command on my local machine.

The whole time I asked me, how firefox did that, why X11 allowed it.
Now, I think here is the

Is there a way to disable that behaviour as default? Is this "feature"
not a misuse of the
X shared memory extension?


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