Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Issues with shells/ksh93


I am writing to bring to your attention an issue I've encountered after
changing the root user's shell to ksh93 using the chpass(1) command.

When executing basic commands such as cd or exit, the following error
messages are displayed:

For cd:

-ksh93: wcd[93]: _ignore_: line 89: local: not found

For exit:

-ksh93: wsu[97]: _ignore_: line 89: local: not found

Additionally, when executing the pwd command, the following error is

-ksh93: pwd: cannot determine present working directory [No such file or

While the actions for cd and exit are still executed despite the error,
the pwd command becomes completely unusable.

This issue appears to stem from the global initialization script for
KornShell located in /etc/ksh.kshrc. The script contains a command that
is not supported by ksh93. Specifically, the command local. In order to
fix this problem you have to replace it by typeset.

Best regards,

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