Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Re: [new] emulators/minivmac

> On 7/2/24 6:57 AM, Jag Talon wrote:
> > amazing thank you for testing! i'm glad that it works well on powerpc.
> > does it run at acceptable speeds?

Yes, minivmac runs fast enough on my 750 MHz PowerPC G4.

Your last tarball has a broken PLIST; I needed to edit it.

The .ico file doesn't need @${SUBST_DATA}; please use ${INSTALL_DATA}.
Some other ports use SUBST_DATA to expand ${TRUEPREFIX} in their
.desktop file, but this port has nothing to expand. In
minivmac.desktop, if we delete /usr/local/share/pixmaps/ from the
Icon= line (because other .desktop files don't have it), then there is
nowhere to put a ${TRUEPREFIX}.

(I also see a little weird whitespace in the port Makefile, but the
person who runs cvs import can probably fix the whitespace.)


--- pkg/PLIST.before Tue Jul 2 06:33:42 2024
+++ pkg/PLIST Tue Jul 2 19:52:21 2024
@@ -2,6 +2,5 @@
@tag update-desktop-database
--- files/minivmac.desktop.before Tue Jul 2 06:41:14 2024
+++ files/minivmac.desktop Wed Jul 3 00:30:22 2024
@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@

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