Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Re: [new] textproc/trdsql: new port (version 1.0.0)


Just a reminded that I'd like to import it.

On Wed, 19 Jun 2024 11:59:52 +0100,
Kirill A. Korinsky <kirill@korins.ky> wrote:
> I'd like to suggest to import textproc/trdsql.
> trdsql is a CLI tool which allows to run SQL query against CSV, LTSV, JSON,
> YAML and TBLN files.
> This tool is similar to others such as q and textql, with a key distinction:
> it allows the use of PostgreSQL or MySQL syntax, and it supports not only
> CSV and TSV formats, and a few other.
> Tested on -current/amd64

wbr, Kirill

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