Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Re: [solved]: vi: How to display German umlauts?

Le 9 juillet 2024 18:02:31 GMT+02:00, Anon Loli <anonloli@autistici.org> a écrit :
>On Tue, Jul 09, 2024 at 12:38:02PM +0200, rfabris@mhsmail.ch wrote:
>> Dear Страхиња Радић,
>> dear Jan,
>> dear Christian
>> Thanks a lot for your prompt and helpful answers!
>> ---
>> Am 2024-07-08 20:35, schrieb Страхиња Радић:
>> > vi lacks a lot of built-in quality of life features that Vim has.
>> Yes, I know Vim from Arch Linux. But for OpenBSD, I'd like to try to
>> stick to the base install as close as possible.
>> ---
>> Am 2024-07-08 21:05, schrieb Jan Stary:
>> > On Jul 08 18:55:11, rfabris@mhsmail.ch wrote:
>> > > As I'd rather not switch to vim, I'd be very grateful for any tips
>> > > concerning the display of umlauts in vi.
>> >
>> > vi can't do it.
>> Thanks for confirming, Jan!
>> ---
>> Am 2024-07-08 22:07, schrieb Christian Weisgerber:
>> > There's a port and package of nvi-2.2.1, which is a close relative
>> > of the base system nvi that has been extended with wide character
>> > support.
>> I have just installed nvi, and the umlauts are displayed correctly.
>> Many thanks for this tip!
>> ---
>> I'm very grateful for the help misc@openbsd.org offers. A big thank
>> you to all the list contributors - and of course to all the contributors
>> and committers of OpenBSD itself. My family and I are very happy
>> to be able to use it for our daily home office work.
>> Best regards
>> Rolf
>Once upon a time I decided to take a look at Vim source code
>I did a wc -l, and it gave me like 700000 LOC of *.c and *.h files like what
>the fuck?
>Do you know how much 700k of SLOC is?
>Terry Davis made a reasonably good OS in just 100k of SLOC!
>Very easy to hide malicious stuff like the backdoor that was in xz!
>That's why I use vi, and am working on my own text editor.. I don't know if
>it'll ever be good, but I'm aiming for Vi-like simplicity, suckless code base
>and Vim-like features (only most useful ones, the rest would be in a
>patch-form, like suckless.org has)
>Also when I said "am working", it's more like "was working and will work on it
>again", but I have a problem right now which has paused my programming life...
>I'm working on it
>If you're interested, perhaps one day you'll want to test it out..
>I'm not sure about the license thought... as I despise licenses and even having
>a copyleft license like CC is getting on my nerves, software should be free,
>and non-personal information should be free, too, without any IP or a
>requirement for a file "LICENSE".. those are just my 2 cents..
>It's a little more complicated than that, let's just say that I don't want
>being required to specify a LICENSE file... I'm just curious about the
>consequences, would you use a open source peace of software that in the README
>says "you can use it for whatever you want with no strings attached, and that's
>about it."?
>I'm probably rambling needlessly again, that's why none care about what I say

Maybe look at neatvi:
=> https://github.com/aligrudi/neatvi

Even if I still prefer nvi and its soft wrapping.

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