Tuesday, July 02, 2024


On Wed, Jul 03, 2024 at 12:23:49AM -0400, openbsd_freak@mail2tor.com wrote:
> Dear users!
> How do I get wifi working for desktop use?

the general instructions in the FAQ, in particular https://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq6.html
and https://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq6.html#Wireless should be helpful

If you're new to OpenBSD, you will likely be returning to the FAQ and
the man pages a lot to find info.

- Peter

Peter N. M. Hansteen, member of the first RFC 1149 implementation team
https://bsdly.blogspot.com/ https://www.bsdly.net/ https://www.nuug.no/
"Remember to set the evil bit on all malicious network traffic"
delilah spamd[29949]: disconnected after 42673 seconds.

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