Friday, August 30, 2024

Re: Alternative mailing lists

Vào Th 6, 30 thg 8, 2024 vào lúc 03:06 Anon Loli
<> đã viết:
> Hello, OpenBSD friends!
> Is there an alternative mailing list, or we can To and CC a bunch of people at
> once, I believe.
> The problem is that I have been censored plenty of times on @misc, @bugs and
> probably also @tech, and although I despise that, it's someone else's servers
> so what can I really do about it and should I even, right? :)

Are your mails not distributed by the server?
Are your mails deleted on users' mailbox? Yes, I think some people
will delete your mails right away when they see the title or your name.

1st You didn't accept the fact that devs do not *have to* satisfy you.
2nd Your emails are full of "fuck" and "shit", but not others.
Review your behaviors:
You think everyone have to follows your rules.
like the guy Richard Stallman does. (review your "IP rights bullshit")

Everyone here always keep calm and try to have constructive discussions.
You respond to those constructive discussion with "fuck" and "shit".
Then you said you are censored. While the fact is you are censoring

And, if you are censored, why can this email popped up in my mailbox?

> I don't have to talk about everything I want on OpenBSD official mailing lists
> (even if it's a serious and an OpenBSD topic), and neither do you, all I'm
> asking here that those who are interested in hearing what I, the censored
> friend of yours has to say, can.
> If you at all value not just the right, but the mere possibility to say
> something to someone who wants to hear, allow this e-mail to go trough, pretty
> please.

illusions about yourself and your power.

> And if at all you found me in the least bit interesting, over all of my
> e-mails to the formentioned lists, you should send me an e-mail and you will
> hear from me.
> And would this e-mail pass trough, then I applaud you for taking up with this
> empty e-mail.

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