Friday, August 30, 2024

Re: Alternative mailing lists

On Fri, Aug 30, 2024 at 07:58:07AM +0200, Peter N. M. Hansteen wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 29, 2024 at 05:03:25PM +0000, Anon Loli wrote:
> > Hello, OpenBSD friends!
> > Is there an alternative mailing list, or we can To and CC a bunch of people at
> > once, I believe.
> > The problem is that I have been censored plenty of times on @misc, @bugs and
> > probably also @tech, and although I despise that, it's someone else's servers
> > so what can I really do about it and should I even, right? :)
> "I have been censored plenty of times" is a very serious accusation, and one that
> should not be made lightly.

I know, I have known censorship for many many many years, and I know what
freedom of speech is.
I know the consequences of both, and I give myself a degree when it comes to

Do not misunderstand me, I know that OpenBSD has specifically said in [1] that
they will probably silently drop off-topic messages and subjects.
But a lot of my messages, and even whole subjects have been silently dropped
aka censored.

For example I have posted a few times about my worries of C being replaced with
something as obnoxious as Rust and Go, to @ports and even @misc.
I have also given many of my reasons to the worries and have asked for other
people's input.

> Were messages of yours removed or suppressed?

Answered exactly above this.

> Keep in mind that having your messages ignored on mailing lists is just a normal
> part of daily life. Perhaps your issue was not interesting to others or simply
> poorly presented, or perhaps one that is more than adequately covered in the FAQ.

Not only do I have that in mind, but I have on many occasions specifically said
myself that people who do not want to hear from me should ignore me, or even
use functions if their e-mail client(s) have, to not even see my threads and/or
even all of my messages.

If it was poorly presented, let me tell you that I am not the only one or the
1st one to do that.
In my opinion, OpenBSD has lied to us, primarily that bad manual pages are
considered as bugs.

> But sure, if you feel your needs would be better served by starting a mailing list
> or other service of your own, there is nobody stopping you from doing just that.

But it will do about exactly 0 of anything, if no one knows that it exists,
hence I have started this thread.

> I suspect that the effect of the message I am making the utterly poor choice of
> following up on will be that people who would likely be able to provide valuable
> input on any OpenBSD relevant issue you might raise will choose to filter away
> messages from "Anon Loli" so they will not waste any time reading those pieces of text.

Again, I feel like that should be the viewer/reader's choice, since it is not
spam. Anything else is exactly that - filtering and manipulating and malforming
someone's words or even actions.

Which of course they have all rights reserved to, but it's a poopy move since
they have not warned people about that.
I would have probably not even come join the OpenBSD mailing lists would I know
that someone would choose what I get to say and what I do not...
I would immediately ask if there's an alternative mailing list or something
similar like group e-mailing.


> --
> Peter N. M. Hansteen, member of the first RFC 1149 implementation team
> "Remember to set the evil bit on all malicious network traffic"
> delilah spamd[29949]: disconnected after 42673 seconds.

Anonymous, one of world's highly advanced and thorough minds, philosopher,
computer master, OPSEC master, master of learning and perfection, master of
critical thinking, etc.

currently mastering: psychology, remanipulation or demanipulation aka
promoting critical thinking, moral, consequences aka
butterfly/domino effect, human body, as many of top important skillsets as

These are just some of my qualifications from the top of my head, partially
because I did not yet master memonics and did not discover the full potential
of my brain efficiency which is needed if I want to create a better life for
myself and others,

one of projects for that would be my own operating system and hardware with it,
which in theory should be greatly inspired and improved from all of existing
operating systems and especially the derivatives of the old and insufficient
Unix, some of them are: GNU, Linux, *BSD, QubesOS, Plan9, TempleOS.

I will not initiate it's development until I have perfected it "on paper".

In other words, do not make the mistake that you are qualified enough to
understand my messages and then deduce wether or not you want them on your
mailing lists.
This is one of reasons that censorship should not exits or even be accepted by
other people who might not have something unusual to say.
Another of reason is possible manipulation.

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