Friday, August 30, 2024

Re: TOr

> Does OpenBSD support Tor?
The fact that the Tor Project includes guides for the BSD family of
operating systems (including OpenBSD) means that at least the Tor
routing software is supported [0]. But only the original one written in
C, the new implementation in Rust (Arti) is not yet mature and is only
recommended for experimental use.

On the other hand, the Tor Browser is not supported by the Tor Project
on any of the BSD family of operating systems [1], although in the case
of OpenBSD it has fortunately been ported [2], but that port is not
officially supported by the Tor Project. This doesn't mean it doesn't
work well, it just means that if you have a problem with the Tor Browser
on OpenBSD, they won't help you and you'll have to contact the
maintainer of the port [3].


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