Saturday, August 31, 2024

Re: UPDATE: net/crawley-v1.7.8

> Did you by any chance write
> If you did, then I think that's the problem. Everything after the colon are
> prerequisites (dependencies) to the target (do-test), see here[1].
> Prerequisites are simply other targets you'd want executed *before* the
> do-test target. So in this case make tries to execute the 'cd' target which
> doesn't exist.
> [1]

It was a slightly different error of my own personal creation with
similarly disastrous results. Somehow, when I pasted from Edd's example,
my editor turned tabs into spaces and things broke as demonstrated.

That mistake has already been corrected in the TGZ of the updated port
which I submitted for approval.

All of that said, thank you for the nudge towards the man pages for a
better understanding of why it broke. :)


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