Monday, September 02, 2024

clang-format symlink

I need to use 'clang-format' program to format some code and I found
a package which contains it (llvm-17.0.6p5). However, after
installation, the program executable is named 'clang-format-17'
instead of 'clang-format'. Because of this, the scripts I use for
formatting can't find it in $PATH. To solve this issue, I made
symlink '~/bin/clang-format' to '/usr/local/bin/clang-format-16'.
This works great, but the problem is I have multiple systems and I
have to do the same thing on them too. I will also probably need to
update symlinks everytime the new version releases.

I was thinking, that it could be much more convenient if the package
would create symlink automatically during installation. If it did,
there would be no need to create and update symlink manually.

Can we have this?


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