Sunday, September 15, 2024

Re: Alternative mailing lists

On Fri, Aug 30, 2024 at 05:22:50PM +0000, Anon Loli wrote:
> In my opinion, OpenBSD has lied to us, primarily that bad manual pages are
> considered as bugs.

I find it hard to believe that a bad or incorrect manual page could NOT
be considered a bug.
Imagine the financial and hardware/software disasters that await
following incorrect instructions being laid out in an otherwise well
presented but incorrect man page.

When I bought my very first diesel truck, I needed a manual to even
know how much oil to use. The manual said 1 gallon and 1 quart. It
wasn't even enough to see oil on the dipstick. The truck needed 3.5
gallons of oil! Imagine the cost of buying a new diesel engine if I had
"trusted" the manual.

Now look in the mailing list archives about how many people didn't spend
enough time and care to prevent their email server from being an open
relay with people grabbing onto that and sending a few million spam or
even terrorist messages to government agencies. Nope, not important to
have good man pages, not at all.

Chris Bennett

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