Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Re: ld on startup - wish to disable

On Tue, Sep 10, 2024 at 02:39:55PM +0200, Luca Di Gregorio wrote:
>I'm running very little OpenBSD VMs for simple services and testing
>I really don't need security on these VMs, I already disabled library_aslr
>(rcctl disable library_aslr) to avoid reordering libraries at boot, but, at
>startup, I still see ld and ctfconv running and consuming a lot of CPU.
>As the VMs are little, ld and ctfconv takes a lot of time to finish.
>Is there a way to disable them as well?

I think you can set library_aslr=NO in /etc/rc.conf.local. See

Mizsei's answer is about kernel relinking, which I think happens
in the background after every boot. It might slow things down too.


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