Sunday, September 22, 2024

Re: Need some information about fork(2)

On Sun, Sep 22, 2024 at 05:33:36PM +0200, wrote:

> Sorry for disturbing you, again...
> Does it means we should also free virtual memory from the child
> process before exiting ?

All resources used by a process are freed automatically when the
process ends. Typically, a fork in the child is followed by an
execve(2) call, which replaces the current process by a new one, whith
only a few things inherited.


> On 2024-09-22T10:27:56.000+02:00, Otto Moerbeek <>
> wrote:
> > On Sun, Sep 22, 2024 at 10:08:56AM +0200, wrote:
> > 
> >>  Hello OpenBSD team
> >>  
> >>   I'm having a little trouble understanding how this works.
> >>  
> >>   of fork(2), according to man. It's an exact copy of the parent
> >>  
> >>   process.
> >>  
> >>   There are limitations that are explicit in the man. However,
> >>  
> >>   I wanted to know if the pointers we use are the same.
> >>  
> >>   For example, if I had allocated 4 bytes in my parent process, I
> >>  would
> >>  
> >>   launch the fork...
> >>  
> >>   If I release this address from the child, is the father's pointer
> >>  
> >>   still intact, or is it released?
> >>  
> >>   Translated with [] (free version)
> > 
> > It's an exact copy, all memory allocations remain the same. The
> > trick
> > 
> > is the new process virtual memory space is seperate, so the equal
> > 
> > pointer actually refer to different sets of memory (each process has
> > 
> > it's onwn virual memory space). So an allocatoon or free done by the
> > 
> > parent or child does not interfere with the other process.
> > 
> >  -Otto

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