Saturday, September 21, 2024

Re: roadmap for more privsep in pkgland

Marc Espie writes:
> Here's the basic pkg_add change, very lightly tested for now.
> Not that many lines, considering :)

The manpage changes make sense to me.


> + my $o = $class->new_owned_objet($args);

"pkg_add docbook" (with its @tag libxml2/rebuild) has problems:

Running tags|*************************************************************|100%C
an't exec "CODE(0xb87b7be2958)": No such file or directory at /usr/libdata/perl5/OpenBSD/ line 107.
system(CODE(0xb87b7be2958), /bin/sh, -c, /usr/local/share/libxml2/rebuild) was not run: No such file or directory exit(0)
Running tags: ok

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