Sunday, September 01, 2024

Re: UPDATE: cad/kicad

On Sat Aug 31, 2024 at 09:57:56PM GMT, Mihai Popescu wrote:
> Got curious why OpenBSD platform needs some modifications for most of
> the things in C/C++.

What else, for example? How many "platform" do you know use LLVM for
base and packages?

> And found this [1], with a copious explanation as a comment, then the
> code implementation.

"found" aka first google entry ^^

> I don't understant it but I am happy I don't have to work in this high
> programming language.
> Sorry for hijacking the thread.
> Out of curiosity again, is anyone among the OpenBSD devs who can fully
> understand this?
> [1]

"Make dynamic_cast more forgiving when type_info's mistakenly have hidden
visibility, and thus multiple type_infos can exist for a single type."

IMO this is the case for KiCad.

"When the dynamic_cast would normally fail, this option will cause the
library to try comparing the type_info names to see if they are equal

...and here is a description of why it works for us.

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