Sunday, September 01, 2024

Re: UPDATE: cad/kicad

Forget about it. It was a mistake for me to post this. It is the same
on misc@, people are very jumpy, they divert from the subject and
usually let go their frustrations on the beginners.

> What else, for example? How many "platform" do you know use LLVM for base and packages?

Chromium. Firefox, etc. they need to be adjusted for compilation. I
guess it is called quirks. Maybe i am wrong.

I am not a native en speaker, but here it is anyway:
"platform" - [1] see the paragraph number 6 computing.

also : the computer architecture and equipment using a particular
operating system


> "found" aka first google entry ^^

Yes, most people are using Google. What is wrong with this?
I will stop here since all this is going nowhere. Happy porting anyway.
And let this thread die, please.

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