Monday, September 23, 2024

strange network behavior (send permission denied)

Hello, misc!

Could you please share your wisdom about this problem.

On my openbsd firewall, sometimes network become slow and some daemons
stop working.

/var/log/messages have this messages when slowdown is in place:

Sep 23 13:49:34 gater ntpd[30891]: sendto: Permission denied
Sep 23 13:56:22 gater isakmpd[64631]: sendmsg (14, 0x784ce63ce408, 0):
Permission denied

also nginx have this messages:

 connect() to failed (13: Permission denied) while
connecting to upstream

also i cannot ping nor nslookup anything also because "permission denied"

I found workaround by flushing pf states. After pfctl -F states
everything start to work again.

But maybe i should tune something i did not know about?

How can I diagnose this failures?

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