Friday, October 11, 2024

Re: Server inaccessible after upgrade from 7.5 to 7.6

Unfortunately if you have a /usr partition full over 80% the upgrade will fail leaving the VM in single user at the installation prompt. If you haven't got an access to the VM control panel you can't do anything...


On Fri, 11 Oct 2024, 06:12 Nick Holland, <> wrote:
On 10/10/24 14:14, Sebastien Marie wrote:
> Mark <> writes:
>> Hi.
>> I got 2 VPS, yesterday I upgraded one, from OpenBSD 7.5 to OpenBSD 7.6
>> (amd64),
>> today I wanted to upgrade the remaining one, after "sysupgrade -nk" and
>> "reboot",
>> I cannot login to the system anymore (I manage only via SSH), Putty says:
>> "Remote side unexpectedly closed network connection",
>> after entering the password of my root user. I tried ssh in the Windows
>> terminal, same thing happens.
>> ssh server is running, login: prompt arrives. And I see that my ssh client
>> disconnects after issuing the correct password.
>> If the password is wrong, it attempts to ask for it again.
>> I got no physical or console access to the server.
>> Any idea would be much appreciated.
>>From your description, I assume your shell is from ports (bash, zsh,
> ...), and that after the upgrade of base, the binary of the port (from
> 7.5) doesn't run on 7.6 system for some reason. So, sshd runs (it is
> 7.6), you connect : sshd execve the shell, and it doesn't ends well.

that was my first assumption, too.

> You can try to connect to another user (if possible) using some base
> shell, or try to get a console (the getty) and logs as root (assuming
> the shell of root is still ksh).

Might try this:
    ssh remotehost ksh

it will probably look like it hung, but it might not be -- you are just
sitting at ksh without $PS1 (or much of anything else) set.  You might
be able to gain control of the system sufficiently to run pkg_add -u.

Here's an actual demo:
$ uname -a
OpenBSD 7.5 GENERIC.MP#171 amd64
$ ssh dbu1 ksh
uname -a  # note lack of prompt, motd, or anything...
OpenBSD 7.6 GENERIC.MP#337 amd64
   # but I'm in!

you can get around some of the no prompt/no motd stuff by
doing "ssh <host> ksh -li", but it's still quite weird.

you know all those times when you said, "I don't need to know
'ed(1)'"? well...maybe you now need it.

Warning: when I promoted myself to root, the PW echoed on the screen.
So...beware of shoulder surfers. :)
(and I'm sure there are fixes for all these issues, but I didn't hunt
very hard)


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