Friday, February 28, 2025

Re: [Update from Maintainer] games/freeorion 0.5.1

On 2025/02/28 17:22, Tom Murphy wrote:
> Hi,
> Attached is a patch to update games/freeorion to 0.5.1. I
> tested it and it runs, but I am seeing this message:

this could do with disabling:

fatal: not a git repository (or any parent up to mount point /usr)
Stopping at filesystem boundary (GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM not set).
WARNING: git not installed or not setup correctly
WARNING: Can't determine git commit!

> freeorion:/usr/local/lib/ freeorion :
> WARNING: symbol(_ZTINSt3__19allocatorIvEE) size mismatch,
> relink your program

I think you'll need someone who knows their way around C++ to help here.

What I can tell you which is probably relevant is that this is a weak
symbol in some of freeorion's object files, and it's also a weak symbol
in boost's

build-amd64/CMakeFiles/freeoriond.dir/server/ServerApp.cpp.o: 00000000 W _ZTINSt3__19allocatorIvEE
build-amd64/CMakeFiles/freeoriond.dir/server/ServerFSM.cpp.o: 00000000 W _ZTINSt3__19allocatorIvEE
build-amd64/CMakeFiles/freeoriond.dir/server/ServerNetworking.cpp.o: 00000000 W _ZTINSt3__19allocatorIvEE
build-amd64/CMakeFiles/freeorionca.dir/client/ClientNetworking.cpp.o: 00000000 W _ZTINSt3__19allocatorIvEE
build-amd64/CMakeFiles/freeorion.dir/client/ClientNetworking.cpp.o: 00000000 W _ZTINSt3__19allocatorIvEE
build-amd64/freeorionca: 002eb4e0 W _ZTINSt3__19allocatorIvEE
build-amd64/freeoriond: 00492e60 W _ZTINSt3__19allocatorIvEE
build-amd64/freeorion: 008e4c70 W _ZTINSt3__19allocatorIvEE 000c4840 W _ZTINSt3__19allocatorIvEE 000b6830 W _ZTINSt3__19allocatorIvEE

$ llvm-cxxfilt-19 _ZTINSt3__19allocatorIvEE
typeinfo for std::__1::allocator<void>

(I already checked that they aren't pulling in both libboost_log and

It takes a while to build, if anyone is interested in poking around
I can share a tarred amd64 build dir or build log...

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