Monday, July 31, 2017

Re: [UPDATE] Tor Browser 7.0.2

Sorry I didn't see your two messages until now, I'll reply at once:

Stuart Henderson <> writes:

> On 2017/07/26 22:05, Landry Breuil wrote:
>> One thing - you comment out --disable-webrtc, but i suppose/hope for you
>> TBB explicitely disables it, otherwise all the users caring about their
>> privacy will be *very* vocal about webrtc leaking their private nat ip
>> etc. You should check that carefully...
> I don't get any addresses reported in the usual webrtc testers.
> Though yes I do think it may be a good idea to force this configure flag.

It is disabled in the .mozconfig that comes with TB. My patch to
.mozconfig leaves this be. If you would prefer that we explicitly
acknowledge that WebRTC is disabled in the Makefile I will uncomment
that line. I can see the argument for this as a kind of
documentation, since most users won't go rooting around in the source
for .mozconfig.

>> As for files/configure, i get it that its a straight copy from mozilla
>> upstream, but seeing python2.7 like this makes me cringe. Why not
>> writing your own script with ${MODPY_BIN} directly calling $(dirname
>> $0)/ "$@" ? (and exporting OLD_CONFIGURE) - your call.
> I'd prefer that too.
> I've committed what we have so far - these are valid points but I think
> not critical, and it's much easier to test/review small diffs for these
> changes than small changes to a monster diff :)

7.0.3 just came out; it is a bigfix-only release for a Linux-only bug
and so doesn't affect our users, but it will still complain that it's
out of date so I'll get it to it ASAP and incorporate your feedback
when I do.

Thanks a lot!

Pax, -A
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