Saturday, December 01, 2018

Re: port for vapier/pcalc

Thank you for your response! It's been very helpful. I've attached a
tarball incorporating your feedback. It seems like the test suite
is currently failing, so I am working on reaching out to the upstream
author to see what can be done. It looks like his test program
hard-codes expected values, and this is running into some floating
point rounding issues. The port appears to be working well enough to
be tested at this point, although obviously I think we want the test
suite passing before it gets committed.

>> GH_ACCOUNT =    vapier GH_PROJECT =    pcalc GH_TAGNAME =    v4
> Either DISTNAME or GH_* is used, never both (is Makefile.template not
> clear enough about that?).

I read through the relevant sections of the template and it was not
clear to me that the two were mutually exclusive. I would suggest adding
the string literal "Either DISTNAME or GH_* is used, never both"
to the template to that end.

>> MAINTAINER = Charles Daniels <>
> Glad to see you want to take care of the package and ensure it will
> stay up to date.

I'll certainly do my best!

>> # TODO: is this the correct way to indicate licensing? # License is
>> GPLv2 only
> Yes, `# GPLv2' is fine, but you can double check if it's GPLv2+ or
> GPLv3(+) really.

As I noted in my update Makefile, I am going to reach out to the author
to clarify his intent.

> There are numerous examples in the tree that handle various different
> autoconf/automake use cases. I suggest checking them to see how it works.

I grepped for some relevant strings and found that most port
seem to just be hard-coding a specific version of AUTOCONF_VERSION,
so that is what I did.

>> # Not sure what the most correct way to handle this is, it doesn't
>> look like # there is a 'TEST_ENV', and even if so, how to determine the
> There is TEST_ENV as per

TIL of I missed that. Very handy!

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