Sunday, November 29, 2020

Re: Redistribution between ospfd and ripd

On Sat, 28 Nov 2020 at 11:14, Sebastian Benoit <> wrote:

> Hi,
> route add -label FOOBAR
> route show -label FOOBAR
> I am only aware of these mechanisms to set labels on routes added by
> routing daemons:
> bgpd (rtlabel <label> keyword in filter "set")
> ospfd/ospf6d (rtlabel label external-tag number)
> Neither would help in your situation.
> Can you explain a bit more what you are planing to do?

Thanks for that Benno. I did see another rtlabel reference in ifconfig(8)
but I don't think that will work as expected either

During the migration, there will be OpenBSD routers in the network that
will have some routes coming in from OSPF and RIPv2 so both daemons will be
running on these hosts so network segments can continue to talk to each
other. In the usual commercial offerings, you simply imply what you want
to redistribute and this can be another routing protocol, static, connected
etc. as the routing stack is aware of other protocols being used.

| OSPF | <-> | OpenBSD Router | <-> | RIPv2 |


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