Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Re: apu2 and Atheros WLE600VX not working

On 2021-06-30 8:01 a.m., Stefan Sperling wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 30, 2021 at 07:45:13AM -0400, George wrote:
>> Hi thanks for the reply! How is the performance on the 200nx are you using
>> it as an access point i.e. router? How many antennas?
> There is currently no way to run an AP on OpenBSD if you require performance
> levels comparable to commercially available access points.
> Regarding athn(4) in particular, there is no support for Tx aggregation and
> there are unresolved bugs which prevent Tx rates at the upper end from working.
> You can expect about 20 Mbit/s top, most likely less than that.
> But it is fairly stable. If performance isn't your main concern it can be fine.
> athn(4) only supports 2 antenna cards. Cards with 3 anntennas don't work yet.
> If you can only connect one antenna you need to run this command to prevent
> packet loss: ifconfig athn0 nwflag nomimo

Thanks for the informative and complete answer. I think I will resort to

using a cheap off the shelf router for the moment as 20Mb/s top means

a lot less average throughput making it kind of pointless as an AP.



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