Sunday, December 24, 2023

Re: I can't get contributors for my C project. Can you help?

Dear Jan: I'll do as I wish; and if you want to stop me you'll have to physically kill me.
Do you understand, woman?

And if you want to be in a fight or contest with me, of some kind; either legal or otherwise.:
that can be arranged I suppose.
Do you understand, woman?

I'll make sure I post this to
And I will remember that you did not assist my opensource project in realizing Unreal map format loading;
and that you wish for my project to not even be-able to ask for fellow C programmers help.
Do you understand, woman.

This is a direct warning aimed at your person.

I will be glad when your civilization is erased.
Along with it's millions of police and white men that enforce your rights (derived from the New Testament, and
the newer parts of the old testament; in contrivance to the original parts of the law of the God: which you,
a woman, the first mentioned parts support, and the latter mentioned law; revile)


If there is anyone that wishes to reject the New Testament pro-women's rights belief system that Jan epitomizes,
("castrate yourself for heaven" --matthew 19 greek, "no male nor female", "don't stone women", "better a millstone" (drown anyone that likes young girls), "turn the other cheek", "obey all earthly rulers")
and further reject the newer-parts-of-the-old-testament writings (some of which were "discovered" in the 1500s; including
one where a woman "saves" various people from Iran, for some reason)

And instead do the much disliked work of C programming, while, perhaps, being infavor of the original laws of the Old Testament
(marrying little girls is fine (padia, na'ar*, puella) (including in cases of rape (tahphas**)) Devarim 22, verse 28,  (hebrew, greek, latin).

(*"moses was a crying na'ar" (exodus) when pharo's darughter pulled him from the river: yes white people: na'ar means child)
(**to take: as to take a city)
(kill adulterous women) (Devarim)
(man is the ba'al (master, ruler) of the woman) (Devarim)
(if anyone entices you to follow another Power: kill them) (Devarim)
(no euniches in the assembly of the ruler) (Devarim)

[Above are the laws and beliefs that white people, chirstians, and good people reject.]
[Just as they have come to reject programming in C.]
[Beliefs that Jan, as a woman, opposes aswell]

[Just as the pre-hellenistic world in greece held men in slavery; ruled over by women;]
[Today men are held in bondage; mental and otherwise; by the 2 million police women can call at a moments notice.]

[Men have lost all the rights they gained in the past; they have subsumed themselves to a trans-demi-god (New Testament)]
[And have reread all earlier works in light of that.]

Then please explore this link which has the source code and all supporting source code that has been discovered, regarding Unreal map loading:

TLDR: I'm glad the taliban won; because they marry little girls; just as YHWH's law allows.
Please help opensource game with UNREAL map loading.
And if you don't because you oppose child brides: then I will remember you as an enemy.

I hope western civilization falls and all your daughers are married before menarche (first blood) as true virgins (rabbinical)

On Saturday, December 16, 2023 at 02:20:48 PM EST, Jan Stary <> wrote:

Don't post this crap to

On Dec 16 18:00:35, wrote:
> I wish I could accept your offer.
> I don't have any money though, at all.
> If I had any I would be glad for your offer and accept.
> But I never got into the bitcoin stuff, even when it just started and was being advertised on slashdot.
> If I had money I would definitely accept however.
> I just don't.
> I dream to get this opensource engine working with the unreal map format.
> On Saturday, December 16, 2023 at 10:40:30 AM EST, <> wrote:
> Hello. I'm intersted in your task. I'm quite comfortable with C in
> general and currently working on graphics related things. I could
> give you a hand for a fair fee. Would you be interested in that?

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