Sunday, December 24, 2023

Re: I can't get contributors for my C project. Can you help?


In case this is not a troll, and is a stupid narcissistic teenager who
thinks the way open source functions is via extremism and horrific
sexism, and promotion of terrorism, I will respond.

Congratulations, you will not find a single contributor, if you think
that storming into a public mailing list spewing sexist comments, and
then supporting terrorism is the way open source functions, then you
have the complete wrong idea.

Best choice of action would be to not speak any further, and at the
minimum apologise to Jan, but I doubt anyone will take you seriously
moving forward now anyways.

Best way to deal with people like this is simply to ignore. Note to the
mailing list is I did offlist the user in response to their previous
email, which was aimed to provide feedback on how to properly ask for
help, and how openbsd is not a freelancing community for random C
projects. I did not receive a response so they obviously aren't here
for any decent reason, and are likely a troll.

Please now get out my mailbox and go somewhere else, I rather read
constructive emails instead of spiteful sh*t.

Take care,
GPG signature: 0770E5312238C760

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