Monday, September 23, 2024

Re: firefox aarch64 pledge crashes

Stuart Henderson <> wrote:

> > Managed to capture some ktrace -di by pointing it at the running main proc
> > after startup and reloading the tab. Instead of getting killed by pledge, I
> > get a SIGILL instead, trapped by firefox's handler.
> >
> > 23282 firefox PSIG SIGILL caught handler=0xc804ceeb8 mask=0<> code=ILL_ILLOPC addr=0xd1f27e194 trapno=33554432
> ... the mozilla ports do use USE_NOBTCFI, and pointing readelf -l
> at the binary it does show OPENBSD_NOBTCF.

That's not a CIBTI related anyways, they show up as ILL_BTCFI

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